We are pleased to announce the 15th Annual Seaside Heights Sand Soccer Storm Tournament! The tournament will take place the weekend of June 14-15, 2025.
Here are some of the details:
Games are played on the beautiful beaches in Seaside Heights, NJ
Each participating team will receive 10 wristbands to “Ride and Slide” all weekend at Casino Pier Amusements and Breakwater Beach Waterpark!
Cost is $875 for 3 guaranteed games with the possibility of advancing for a 4th championship game.
Games are 5 v 5 ( ages 10-19) 6 v 6 ( ages 7-9).
Teams will play in the age bracket they are in for the Fall 2024/Spring 2025.
We hope to see you and your team on the beach in June!
Colleen and Susan
Tournament Directors